About EAgER Outdoors

Hi! I’m Gina, founder of EAgER outdoors.  

In late 2023 and early 2024 I my mental health hit rock bottom. I had finalized my divorce, was forced to sell my franchise business, and my confidence in general was gone. Despite having what many people what consider ‘everything’, inside I felt I was nothing.

As I searched for a way to find peace with myself, I realized that whenever I went outdoors for some ‘me time’, it just… helped. I started running on the beach in the mornings. Sometimes I didn’t feel like running but I would just walk, or sit and watch the waves. And it really helps.

I am passionate about getting out into nature for mental health. It doesn’t matter if you are running, walking, or even just sitting in a park watching the ducks. It may only be 20 minutes in the middle of the day, or last thing before the sun goes down, but you it helps. It really does!  

I decided to create the EAgER brand to support myself and my family, whilst encouraging everyone to take time to enjoy the natural beauty of the world. EAgER's range of products is designed to seamlessly blend into your adventures by assisting with the little things. These convenient companions will enhance your outdoor experiences without adding unnecessary weight or hassle, allowing you to focus on the moment.

Thank you for supporting me and my family as we venture forward to a more positive future with you all!

Xoxo Gina